Gokhale Method Australia

Healthy posture for a pain-free life

Live Pain-Free 24/7

The Gokhale Method uses healthy posture and movement to help you regain your structural integrity and regain a pain-free life.

You have a right to a pain-free back, neck, hips, knees, feet…

We are marvellously designed creatures. We have inherent grace and strength, like every other creature on the planet. Our bodies heal spontaneously, and if we respect our natural design, we can function well for close to a century.



The Gokhale Method addresses the root cause of muscle and joint pain.

Most pain can be attributed to how we hold ourselves and how we move. Since we aren’t born with a user’s manual, we rely on our culture to guide us.

About a century ago, our culture took a wrong turn.

As a result, in the United States and Australia:

  • 90% of adults experience back pain at some point in their lives.
  • This year, 50% of working Americans and Australians will experience back pain.
  • Back pain is now the leading cause of disability in people under 45 years old.
  • By age 15, more than 60% of all adolescents have experienced back and/or neck pain.

We have lost sight of what constitutes healthy posture; in fact, many popular guidelines for “good posture” are just plain wrong.

 We can re-learn what we once knew:

  • Our ancestors knew how to move without pain.
  • Babies know how to move without pain.
  • Some cultures still know how to move without pain.

 This method educates you in a way that your culture does not, so that you can live a fully-functional, pain-free life.


You learn techniques to:

  • Reduce or eliminate back pain, neck pain, and other muscle or joint pain
  • Prevent muscle and joint degeneration and injury
  • Increase your energy, stamina and flexibility
  • Reduce stress and improve your appearance


Effects are immediate and last a lifetime.

Our multi-pronged approach will profoundly change your habits through simultaneous visual, kinesthetic and intellectual learning. You can forever reclaim the pain-free body you were born with. Most students find relief following the first lesson.

Achieve results without time-consuming exercises or special equipment.

By emphasising everyday movement rather than periodic exercise sessions, the Gokhale Method gives you ample opportunity to practice without taking time out of your day. You naturally incorporate your newfound body wisdom into your daily activities and physical pursuits. Every movement becomes an effective exercise to strengthen and stretch.

How it works

You will learn to sit, sleep, stand, walk, and bend in ways that protect and strengthen you instead of wear and tear you.

  • Sitting will be comfortable, either with a backrest when you place your back in therapeutic traction (stretchsitting) or without a backrest, when you stack your spine on a well-positioned, anteverted pelvis(stacksitting).
  • howitworks1
  • Sleeping will be comfortable and provide hours of restorative traction, whether lying on your back or side (stretchlying).
  • Standing will be a resting position for most of the muscles of the body with the weight-bearing bones vertically stacked over the heels (tallstanding).
  • A retroverted pelvis leads to tense back muscles or slumping.
  • An anteverted pelvis facilitates healthy posture.
  • Bending will involve hinging at the hip rather than the waist, exercising the long back muscles and sparing the spinal discs and ligaments (hip-hinging).
  • Actions that challenge spinal structures, such as carrying or twisting, will involve deep layers of muscles in the abdomen and back (inner corset) to protect the spine.
  • Walking will be a series of smooth forward propulsions, challenging the muscles of the lower body and sparing the weight-bearing joints throughout the body (glidewalking).
  • In relearning these everyday actions, you will reposition and reshape your shoulders, arms, neck, torso, pelvis, hips, legs, and feet the way they were designed to be. You will develop a high level of confidence in and sense of control over your well-being (well-being is not consistent).

Once you have learned the basic principles, you integrate them into all positions and movements. Your everyday activities will once again become therapeutic.


Check out the Getting Started Video with Esther

GMF MelbOct2018pdf
Click here for: Getting Started Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7gshCuJKYE

For more information on the Gokhale Method in Australia you can contact me on my teacher’s page

Email me: michelle@gokhalemethod.com

Call 0403 339 849 (new Phone#)

Bio page:

3 thoughts on “Gokhale Method Australia

  1. Are there any classes for this type of exercise in the Sutherland Shire Sydney ? I’m interested in some type of exercise that will improve my posture and alienate my back issues as I have recently injured my lower back at work ( twisting ) many thanks Kym


  2. Hello Kym, This is Michelle Ball I am responding to a request you sent earlier in the year. I will be teaching the Gokhale Method Foundations course in February in Sydney. This course is based on the book “8 Steps to a Pain-Free Back” by Esther Gokhale. I live in Tasmania and I am currently the only teacher in Australia. The opportunity is limited on how often this course in being offered in your city. The classes are taught in a small format, up to 8 people max. You can check out the course on the website. http://www.gokhalemethod.com or on my teacher’s page http://www.gokhalemethod.com/biography/Michelle_Ball. Please feel free to contact me with any questions that you may have. 0428 223 271 or michelle@gokhalemethod.com. I hope to hear from you. All the best to you, Michelle


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